March 02, 2006

thinking about trust this week ...

Trusting in God seems to have several degrees ... or does it? Can I ever totally trust in God - can I ever arrive at total trust - or am I forever simply learning to trust in him more?

Some people would say that Charlene and I trust God in our lives huge! My response (at least in my head) is to think of all those who are walking in a much higher place of trust - more costly - then we are. I'm sure the people I'm thinking of would have the same response ...

I found a quote by Mother Teresa that has caused me to consider another angle in the trust equation:

'Clarity is the last thing you are clinging to and must let go of ... I have never had clarity; what I have always had is trust. I will pray that you trust God.'

I suppose that the bottom line in that in any given situation is that I make the choice to obey what I sense God is asking of me by the Holy Spirit ... this fosters a trusting in His directions ... and leaves Him to worry about how it will all come together (ie. clarity).

Do you have some wisdom or insight to add to this? I'd value it ...


Dave said...

Big Question! - Definately an area I have been learning lately. I think your right that trusting God is something we can only get better at. I would be suprised if anyone really fully trusts Him with everything. My thoughts on the issue lately have alot to do with the "Clinging" part of your Mother Teresa quote. I prefer to use the word "control" but I think I mean the same thing. We all want to keep control of portions of our lives. The thing about obeying the HS (at least in my experience) is that it never seems to involve us having any control. When you obey the HS - you have to give up all control of the situation and let Him handle it - you can't cling to anything (including clarity over the situation). The bonus that comes when you do give up that control and trust Him with the given situation is a Treamendous Peace. Now - complete trust with everything - that's when I start to struggle.

Dan King said...

thanks dave ...